“I love working with Katie! It feels like I’m talking to a good friend who will actually tell me like it is. She helps me pinpoint patterns in both my relationship with myself and with others. She allows space for me to unleash my insecurities, struggles and fears and then gives the exact advice/encouragement I need in order to truly grow mentally into the best version of myself. Right off the bat, when I started working 1:1 with Katie, she challenged me with assignments that were essential in my growth. It feels so empowering to actually follow through and see the positive changes. Katie listens with compassion, hears the meaning behind what I say and holds a safe space for me to expand and grow.”


“Connected, empathetic and smart, Katie gave me all the tools to get started in OM in the best and most supportive way possible. I strongly recommend trusting Katie to guide you as you begin your journey.”


“Katie is truly gifted in her field!

My husband and I chose to book with Katie after months (maybe years) of being “Instagram friends”. We have an incredible relationship, but are always seeking to grow and learn. Our sessions with Katie completely changed us as people and enhanced how we show up in our marriage. Katie held space and helped us navigate the discrepancy in our sex drives, guided us to the root cause(s), and held our hand through intimate internal work. You don’t need to have “problems” to benefit from sessions with Katie (although that would be okay too). I truly believe every single person (whether single or in a relationship) would benefit from Katie’s teachings and coaching. We are so grateful for we did.”

~Briana Gagné

I’ve been coached by Katie for about three months, and my experience has been utterly transformative.

When I came to Katie, my sex life was disjointed and disconnected. My husband and I have a two-and-a-half-year-old and a new baby – so, we are always tired.  Sex was a weekly chore I performed because I wanted to be a good wife.  I was merely performing my “wifely duty,” and my husband and I both felt lousy about it.

Katie taught me to bring my focus to myself and my desires.  She taught me that sex isn’t about getting my husband to climax.  It is about identifying what feels good to me and going with it, whatever the result might be.  At first, I was intimidated to try new things, but Katie was right.  When I focused on myself, I was more satisfied.  And my husband, who I worried might feel neglected, loved being along for the ride. 

It’s liberating to know that you can try new things and move your body in different ways and go with what feels good to you.  Your partner won’t say, “what are you doing?  That’s weird.”  They will be into it because you are into it.  They will be turned on by you being turned on.

I’m in my mid-thirties and for the first time in my life, I’m having satisfying, fun, and intimate sex.

As you might imagine, the transformation transcends into other parts of my life.  I feel like an adult woman who can make her own choices and follow her desires, rather than a little girl who must ask for permission to fulfill desires.  I feel empowered and sexy.

Katie is really sharp, gives phenomenal advice, and creates a safe space to share anything and everything.

~Christina I.

“When I first signed up for Creative A Desire-Led Home, I imagined it would be very much about achieving a specific goal around my apartment space. From the very first assignment, I realized things were going to go much deeper. The thing that sticks out is the safe space Katie created while combining boundary-setting. Katie doesn’t let any one of her clients let themselves down. She will definitely hold you accountable while also creating a loving, connected space. That is pretty magical stuff.

I am literally blow away by the results. After a 10-day challenge, my home feels completely different and so do I. Coincidentally, by the end of this challenge, I had my first date in over a year. It’s like the universe has seen that if I am ready to Queen-up in my home, I must be ready for all the other areas of my life too.

If you’re thinking of working with Katie, I fully recommend it. She is tapped into that Goddess-wisdom!”


I’ve been working with Katie for around 6 months. I’ve lost track because time flies when you’re working with her. Seeing how much growth is possible in such a short period of time is crazy. The thing I love most is that she is a fantastic listener. She makes everything so clear on what’s going on internally. She finds things and brings them to light before I even realize what’s going on deep down inside. Not only does she help you dig deep with maybe a breakup, attraction, feminine/masculine dynamics and business, she also helps set clear steps and goals to achieve. She is such an amazing and kind-hearted human being. I don’t see myself working with anyone but her.

She has opened up my eyes and my world and has shown me the possibilities of becoming the man I know I can be.”


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